Saturday, November 22, 2014

Embarrassing Product Names

I had nothing better to do in the last couple of days, so I looked on the Internet for funny product names.  Your imagination can soar to great heights or fall to great depths with these.  Here are some examples.  Most of these are just so wrong that it would be a crime not to poke fun at them.

Bag Balm
What I imagine it to be:  A tranquilizer for unattractive old ladies
What it is:  A salve to be applied to a cow’s udder.  It can also be used by humans as a hand lotion.

What I imagine it to be:  A group of tiny gay men who insist that a “faggot” is a piece of firewood that provides light and warmth and, therefore, it is not an insult
What it is:  Stuffed pasta

What I imagine it to be:  (1) A witch’s brew that enlarges lady parts; (2) A giant cat.
What it is:  Potato chips

Nuclear Licorice
What I imagine it to be:  A minuscule device disguised as a piece of black candy, designed to blow up entire cities.
What it is:  Plain old ordinary brown colored lozenges

Soup for Sluts
What I imagine it to be:  A liquid aphrodisiac for women that turns them into raving nymphomaniacs
What it is:  A form of Ramen noodles

What I imagine it to be:  Virginal lady parts
What it is:  Beer

Friday, November 14, 2014

So Write, Already!

For most of the past week, I have been stuck at home, courtesy of a big arthritis flare-up in my right knee that turned me into a temporary cripple.  A great chance to sit down and write, right?

It would be if I knew what to write about and how to write it.  But I don’t.  I have a disease called Writer’s Block.  It attacks the brain cells.  The patient becomes terminally bored with every single possible topic and unable to come up with an opening sentence.  As the disease progresses, the brain becomes more and more paralyzed, until all the patient can do is try to hold a ballpoint pen with his nose and toss crumpled paper at the cat.

Two Writers
The only thing I have written all week is this thing..

Words come and go, in no particular order.  Amanuensis.  I haven’t thought of that word in months!  Serial.  Horticulture. Hairy.  Hairy horticulture.  Meravigliosa.  Voleva una vita meravigliosa!  Sheeeeesh!  I can put together a halfway decent opening sentence in Italian, but not in English!  What’s wrong with me?

I need a subject.  What do they always say?  “Write what you know.”  I can’t do that.  My life is boring, even to me, and I’m the one living it.

I could make stuff up and write a fantasy.  I did that recently, and got more hits on that short-short story than on any of my others.  On the other hand, that story wasn’t completely made up, because I was envisioning my own apartment, I made myself the narrator and I used an old legend that I had already read about.  In other words, I took elements of my life and exaggerated them to the point where they were unrecognizable as anything human.  If I keep doing that, people will think I’m batshit crazy.

Actually, I am batshit crazy.  That’s why I became a writer.  It shouldn’t matter if people think I am batshit crazy when I AM batshit crazy, because something like that is bound to show, anyway, right?

I know.  I’ll write something about what it’s like to have Writer’s Block!

Problem solved.


I don’t know what prehistoric housewives did to keep dust off their furniture if they had any.   If they did anything at all, it must have b...